For Safety & Health
Essential Disinfection & Cleaning System
WeClean Introduction, Premium Disinfection & Cleaning Product for Escalator handrails, by SWIT Inc.
WeClean in Nagoya city Science Museum
Quarantine is very important during the COVID-19 era. SWIT Inc. developed 'WECLEAN,' a sterilizing equipment for escalator handrails and it also prevents negligent accidents from taking place.
Speacial broadcast about "Korea's response to COVID-19" on Arirang TV, 'WeClean' by SWIT Inc.Quarantine is very important during the COVID-19 era. SWIT Inc. developed 'WECLEAN,' a sterilizing equipment for escalator handrails and it also prevents negligent accidents from taking place.
WeClean promo, Premium Disinfection & Cleaning System for Escalator handrails, by SWIT Inc.
WeClean in London, UK
WeClean for JW Marriott Seoul
WeClean for Escalators
WeClean starts at 1:20 in this video.
[Money Monster] Sterilization technology for prevention of COVID-19WeClean starts at 1:20 in this video.
Korea International Trade Association
WeClean on the official youtube channel of KITA( Korea International Trade Association )Korea International Trade Association
WeClean, For Your Escalator Safety
WeClean's Safety CampaignWeClean, For Your Escalator Safety
WeClean's disinfection
Four Effects - WeClean
The Best Optimized design for all escalators
WeClean's DesignThe Best Optimized design for all escalators